Wednesday, December 23, 2015

what..if EVE had said...NO???????

their would be no death(gen.3:1-7)(gen4:8)...NO flood(gen6-7) that caused man to kill and eat flesh..but GOD's original diet was..(1:26-31)...NO towel of babel(heathen worship)..gen11(the birth of easter and Halloween...NO cross(gen3:15)...excuse for sunday worship...but GOD plan was...(gen2:1-3)

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

FELLOW VETS PLEASE!!!(Never.....never,,,,,Never...give UP)...23rd Psalm

I've been their and done....that...but through it AlllLLLLL...with Jesus help I never and will never my fellow vets ....It  will get better....JUst don't give.....UP..pray for me as I pray for..U

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Sabbath Rest: What...IF????????

Sabbath Rest: What...IF????????: What if I....prayed as I....waked????...2.What if I thought...before I spaked????? 3.What if I chose....LOVE....rather than hate?????? ...

Friday, July 3, 2015

Sabbath Rest: America (a heathen land)

Sabbath Rest: America (a heathen land): America is a heathen country...with a lot church goers,but very, very few Christians(U will know my people by their...LOVE..God own the who...